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Under local anesthesia, which relaxes the patient, but allows you to remain conscious, the patient is injected with a contrast agent through a catheter. The injection site is additionally anesthetized. The size of the catheter depends on the type of angiographic examination. There are no pain receptors in the vessels, so the procedure is painless, the only discomfort is during the injection before the catheter is inserted and there is a noticeable warmth in the area of the initial contrast injection. The contrast makes the blood flow paths visible to the angiograph. The procedure is recorded on disk and is considered indicative for six months.

The doctor examines the images obtained by this method to detect violations of blood flow in the vessels. This diagnostic method makes it possible to obtain accurate information about the speed of blood passing through the veins and arteries, existing narrowings or blockages, the presence of tumors and other pathologies, and helps to determine the optimal type of medical treatment for each patient.

Angiography makes it possible to obtain accurate information about the speed of blood passing through the veins and arteries, existing narrowings or blockages, the presence of tumors and other pathologies.

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